Themys part number:
Navitron part number:
Whether operating directly from an Autopilot or as an independent system, single or multi head installation is permissible with the attendant advantage that all lndicator heads are electrically identical rendering them completely interchangeable.
The standard lndicator head (type NT920RAI) is suitable for internal panel mounted location and comprises a robust moving coil driving a white pointer against a black scale background clearly marked in 5" increments. Standard range markings are 45-0-45" or 90-0-90" over a total scale
arc of 240".
Simple 'on board' calibration and inbuilt facilities for fixed or variable intensity red scale illumination are also standard features.
Where Indicators are to be bracket mounted or externally located, a rugged pod assembly is available as an option which must be exercised to provide the necessary mounting assembly and weather proofing facilities.