
Providing Internal and External Communication Systems On Par With Specifications

Themys provides end-to-end communication solutions
Themys offers both internal (PAGA, Intercom, UHF WCS, Flight Deck system) and external (GMDSS, VSAT and L-Band, Beacons) communication

Themys is able to answer 100% of technical specifications on communication solutions thanks to an 80-20 approach : 80-100% of COTS products, 0-20% of Themys made interfaces or products.

Based on customer requirements, our solutions can comply with international maritime regulation and standards such as SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea), BV NR 483 (Rules for the Classification of Naval Ships) or other IMO (International Maritime Organization) standards.
Home > Our solutions > Communication
GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System)

GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System)

Themys supplies, configures, sets up and provides maintenance on GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) systemThemys integrates Cobham Sailor GMDSS equipment into a standard or a custom made GMDSS console that can be directly fitted into the navigation bridge.As a key regulatory...
Crédit - Copyright: OceanTeam

SATCOM (Satellite Communication)

Themys supplies, configures, sets up and provides maintenance on Satellite Communications (SATCOM) equipment offering data and voice communication capabilities all around the world. Themys is able to supply an end-to-end solution with both the hardware (Sailor & Seatel) and the data package ...
UHF WCS (Wireless Communication System)

UHF WCS (Wireless Communication System)

Themys supplies several navies with Wireless Communication Systems (#WCS) based on a combination of KENWOOD and Themys products, developed to meet our customers' operational requirements.Our solution takes advantage of the performance of the Kenwood NEXEDGE NXDN digital encrypted system (...
PAGA (Public Address General Alarm)

PAGA (Public Address General Alarm)

Themys supplies PAGA (Public Address General Alarm) systems based on a combination of BOSCH, ZENITEL and Themys products.


Themys supplies Intercom systems based on a combination of BOSCH, ZENITEL and Themys products.Intercom systems are used on board a vessel to communicate between different compartments. Intercom systems come on top of other systems such as telephones or handheld UHF radios. Intercoms can come in a ...
Maritime Emergency Beacons

Maritime Emergency Beacons

Themys supplies, configures, sets up and provides maintenance on maritime emergency beacons such as EPIRB (Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon) and SART (Search and Rescue Transponders).
  • 25 Boulevard des Artisans
    77700 Bailly-Romainvilliers FRANCE
  • 06 51 50 16 39
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