Themys part number:
Navitron part number:
The direction of movement of the NT990FU lever (right or left) to initiate Port or Starboard rudder movement is installation selectable and automatically results in reversal of the corresponding red and green sectors on the control panel. This is achieved by bi-colour backlighting which is variable via the ILLUM key.
Two installation programmable modes are available to the operator via the RANGE key. Range 1 can, for example, provide linear ± 40° rudder movement for normal operating use whilst Range 2 can be customised to suit special work requirements (alternative rudder angles, linear or non linear)
When the NT990FU is engaged (ON) and the vessel is power steered to a new heading by this means, the autopilot course setter card 'tracks' ships head. On attainment of the new heading required, the NT990FU key can be set to OFF at which time the course setter card automatically 'locks' and the autopilot immediately resumes control to maintain the vessel on the new (current) heading.