Themys part number :
3200018Cobham part number :
405052A-00500The SAILOR 5052 AIS SART is a manual deployment survivor location device intended for use on life-rafts or survival crafts. It meets IMO SOLAS requirements and is the next generation and alternative to the well known SAILOR SART II radar SART.
The SAILOR 5052 AIS SART is compact and easy to operate and deploy. It is a portable device packed inside a quick release carry bag for fast evacuation. The SAILOR 5052 AIS SART transmits target survivor information including structured alert messages, GPS position information and a unique serial identity number. Once activated, the SAILOR
5052 AIS SART transmits continually for a minimum of 96 hours. An in built GPS provides accurate position information to ensure the quick recovery of survivors.
The SAILOR 5052 AIS SART is packed in a highly visible yellow carry case which can be wall mounted on board or stored inside a survival craft. This ensures the optimal availability in an emergency situation.
Included in system
- SAILOR 5052 AIS SART unit
- Extender
- Yellow Robust Stowing Case (Incl 10m integral Lanyard)