Themys part number :
HF250WCobham part number :
Based on the same foundation of high reliability, ease of use and leading-edge functionality that has positioned SAILOR as the leading product in maritime communications, the SAILOR 6300 MF/HF DSC Class A offers much more than just a way to meet mandatory GMDSS Requirements. In addition to being part of the innovative SAILOR 6000 GMDSS series, it is an integral part of a vessels communication system and a crucial tool when in distress and rugged, reliable, easy to use communications are a must.
More than GMDSSThe new SAILOR 6300 MF/HF is a high-end communications system in its own right. It complies with the requirement for MF/HF DSC Class A, which is part of the mandatory requirements for SOLAS vessels in all sea areas, and many national GMDSS requirements. It is developed and designed to meet the needs of professional mariners ensuring clear and powerful communication for a wide variety of vessels including high seas fishing vessels, merchant/offshore ships and workboats.
New ConnectionsSAILOR 6300 MF/HF can be quickly and easily connected to other critical GMDSS systems such as the SAILOR 6103 Alarm Panel. SAILOR 6300 MF/HF features the new, user-friendly radiotelex software with a state-of-art user-interface that works in combination with the new SAILOR 6018 Message Terminal. External loudspeakers, keyboards and printers can also be added easily.
Included in system:
- SAILOR 6301 Control Unit DSC Class A
- 6m 12 POL CAN cable (CU-TU)
- SAILOR 6368 MF/HF 250W Transceiver Unit DSC Class A
- SAILOR 6384 Antenna Tuning Unit