Services and lifecycle support

Continuous Maintenance, Upgrades, Retrofits, and Regulatory Inspections

Themys offers planned and on-call services depending on client needs.

Our service engineers are able to intervene worldwide with short notice period. For example, over last 24 months we worked in Korea, Japan, Argentina, Egypt, Benin, Madagascar, Pacific Island and across EU

Our service engineer spend regularly time at our manufacturer training facilities both for regulatory                 (ex VDR APT) and continuous improvement trainings.

Home > Our capabilities > Services and lifecycle support
Planned Services : Preventive Maintenance Maintenance / Upgrade / Retrofit

Planned Services : Preventive Maintenance Maintenance / Upgrade / Retrofit

Themys is involved in several types of planned services. Indeed most of our customers request our support for regular preventive maintenance on single equipment or large system. Then, over the ship lifecycle, we are usually regularly involved in upgrade or retrofit project as we both know the...
On-Call Services

On-Call Services

Themys performs on a daily basis on call-services. These on call-services can involve one of several of the equipment of the many system we deal with (from communication to IT, through navigation and CCTV).These request are typically send to us by ship owner (in France and from abroad), ship...
Regulatory Inspections

Regulatory Inspections

Themys is also approved by certain certification organisations (BV, ABS, Germanischer Lloyd/DNV, INSB...) to carry out GMDSS radio inspection (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) or VDR annual performance test on board ships.
  • 25 Boulevard des Artisans
    77700 Bailly-Romainvilliers FRANCE
  • 06 51 50 16 39
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