Themys has been for 15+ years the
Saab Transpondertech agent in France. Themys has therefore built a strong expertise in the integration and operation of various AIS version including
Warship AIS.
Warship AIS stands out from civil class A AIS considering:
- Encryption level (AES encryption with 128 or 256 bits)
- Operational features (alternative AIS identity, simulated positioning, predefined text messages, etc.) and various modes (normal, silent, tactical, hybrid, external)
Saab Transpondertech WAIS is fully compliant with
STANAG 4668 (Ed.2) and 4669 (Ed.2)
Saab Transpondertech:
- has also developped a specific "secure" protocol allowing additional features as data refreshment frequency optimization.
- has released the only "airborne qualified" WAIS until today