Themys is integrating
Wartsila Valmarine Warship ECDIS (WECDIS) that is compliant to NATO Standardization Agreement 4564 Edition 2 (in the process of transitioning to Edition 3).
Key advantages of the Wartsila Valmarine WECDIS are:
- Compliance to STANAG 4564
- Dedicated development team being able to deliver tailor made functionalities if required by customer
- Full integration into NACOS bridge (Wartsila Voyage integrated bridge solution)
Key features includes:
- AIS/ARPA-target overlay with tactical symbols
- Weapon danger zones
- Target intercept calculations
- Outhouse / Moving haven
- Torpedo zones follow-on circles
- Synthetic targets
- Relative maps
- Helicopter landing
- Sector formations
Additional features (including
CMS data integration) have been delivered by Themys to match customer specific needs